Browsing Education by Title
Now showing items 14-33 of 58
Factors Influencing Boys` Dropout rate in Public Primary Schools in Matungu Sub County, Kakamega County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017)The purpose of this study was to establish factors influencing boys’ dropout rate in public primary schools in Matungu Sub County. The research was guided by Bronfenbrenner`s ecological systems theory, (1979). The target ... -
Factors Affecting the Job Performance of Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Bomet County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017)For decades, teachers’ job performance has been a major concern for schools and other learning institutions in developing countries. Teacher job performance encompasses both academic and non-academic disciplines. Many ... -
Factors influencing academic achievement of pupils with learning disabilities in public primary schools in Koibatek sub county , Baringo county,kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-09)Special needs education globally has not received the required attention from the all avenues of education to see learners with disabilities access the desired academic achievement compared to their peers without issues ... -
Factors influencing implementation of sustainable school feeding programmes in public early child development education centres in Marani sub county, Kisii county , Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-08)Food is essential in the holistic development of young children, without which retardation and stagnation may occur. Success in academic performance depends on the way the young children are nurtured in preschools. Food ... -
Factors influencing implementation of sustainable school feeding programmes in public early childhood development education Centres in Marani sub county, Kisii county, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-08)Food is essential in the holistic development of young children, without which retardation and stagnation may occur. Success in academic performance depends on the way the young children are nurtured in preschools. Food ... -
Factors influencing performance of English language among deaf learners in special primary schools in Hombay county, kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-08)Education has a pivotal role in the social, political and economic development of an individual. Regarding this, the government of Kenya is committed through the free primary education to increase educational opportunities ... -
Factors influencing preschool learners academic performance in Nyamache sub county, Kisii County , Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-07)Early childhood education is a fundamental right to every child and an indispensable element for learning at the subsequent levels as the child goes through the education system. Despite the Kisii County government effort ... -
Factors influencing pupil's academic performance in English language in public primary schoolsin Mwingi central sub county, kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-04)English language has a crucial role in not only as one of the official languages in government institutions but also the language of instruction in schools in Kenya. Students’ success in school is to a large extent dependent ... -
Factors influencing students' choice of geography in public secondary schools in Kieni East Sub -County Nyeri County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-07)Geography is a fundamental subject at the secondary level of education. The subject is not only relevant to students who intend on pursuing geography as their career path but also to those that only pursue it at the secondary ... -
Factors influencing the integration of ICT in teaching and learning. A case of public primary schools in Kitui Central Sub County, Kitui County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2021-04)Integrating technology into classroom practices is one of the challenges in the 21st century. Effectively integrating ICT into teaching learning process is much more complicated than providing computers and securing a ... -
Factors influencing the integration of ICT in teaching and learning. A case of public primary schools in Kitui central sub county, Kitui county, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2021-03)Integrating technology into classroom practices is one of the challenges in the 21st century. Effectively integrating ICT into teaching learning process is much more complicated than providing computers and securing a ... -
Factors that influence provision of early childhood education in Matungu sub county, Kakamega county Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-04)Provision of early childhood education is influenced by a number of factors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of selected institutional factors on provision of early childhood education in Matungu ... -
Factors that influence provision of early childhood education in Matungu sub county, Kakamega county Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-04)Provision of early childhood education is influenced by a number of factors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of selected institutional factors on provision of early childhood education in Matungu ... -
Influence of ASEI-PDSI pedagogy on pupils’ performance in KCPE mathematics in public primary schools in Kajiado sub county, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-07)Learner-centred pedagogy is the hallmark of the ASEI-PDSI approach. The SMASSE/SMASE ASEI-PDSI pedagogy is an innovative approach that aims at shifting classroom practices from content based to activity-focused teaching ... -
Influence of classroom environment on children’s academic performance in public ecde schools in Keiyo North Subcounty, Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-09)Realization of the objectives of basic education in Kenya, according to Kenyan Education Sector Support Programme, reveals the need to reconsider several aspects of the National Education implementation process. Many ... -
Influence of communication methods on the academic performance of learners with hearing impairement in inclusive setting in Migori county, kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-07)This study sought to establish the influence of communication in teaching children with hearing impairment in Migori County. The objectives of the study were: to examine the influence of verbal communication on academic ... -
Influence of educational support on academic performance of orphans and vulnerable children in public primary schools in Kalama sub county ,Machakos, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-04)Education is critical to the future of all children, but especially to those who are orphaned or vulnerable. Education gives children hope for life and work, and is a strong protector against HIV to which these children ... -
Influence of Examination Based Teaching on the History Subject Discourse in Secondary Schools in Abogeta Division, Meru County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017)Over emphasis on passing in the examinations can create pedagogies that incline to the test and could have adverse effects on the intended curriculum and the output as well. This comes about when teachers shift goals from ... -
Influence of guidance and counselling of students’ on academic performance in secondary schools in Lamu West Sub County, Lamu County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-09)In addressing guidance and counseling, development partners and states have put in place regulatory frameworks and justice institutions. In this regard, the legislative framework in Kenya is commendable. What has not ... -
Influence of management strategies on academic performance of pupils with emotional and behavioral disorder in public primary schools in Matayos Sub County, Busia county, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-04)With an increasing number of students with Emotional Behavioral Disorder (EBD) being included in the general education classroom with their non-disabled peers, ensuring that these students are not placed into this educational ...