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dc.contributor.authorMayaka, Christine
dc.description.abstractThe excellent performance of students in school is determined by various factors, which includes human resources and physical facilities among other things. This study sought to establish the effect of physical resources on student’s academic performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary School Education in public secondary schools in Marani sub-county, Kenya. Performance of students is measured through the administration of examinations. The Kenya Certificate of Secondary education exam is conducted every fourth year of students’ secondary education. In the year 2017, Marani sub-county had a mean score of 2.53 (D) in KCSE, which as per the Ministry of Education classification is regarded as a poor grade. The purpose of this study therefore, was to investigate the effect of physical resources on students’ KCSE performance in public secondary schools in Marani sub-county. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the effect of available physical resources on KCSE performance, to establish the effect of schools’ utilization of the said resources on KCSE performance and, to establish the difference in performance between schools that have and utilize physical resources and those that do not have adequate physical resources. The study was anchored in the System Resource Theory by Yutchman and Seashores (1967). The target population was comprised of 357 respondents (6 CSO’s, and 32 head teachers and 319 teachers of 32 secondary schools in Marani Sub-County. The study used a descriptive survey design. Stratified, simple random sampling techniques were used to select the study sample. However, the census method was used to select the number of principals. The sample comprised; 3 CSO’s, 141 teachers from the mixed day secondary schools, 17 from girls’ boarding schools and 18 from boys’ boarding secondary schools and 11 from mixed boarding. Primary data was collected through questionnaires and document analysis. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with the aid of computer program, SPSS version 21. The findings of the study established that the availability of resources in the county was quite low (< 50%). In addition to the inadequate physical resources, the utilization of the available resources was equally low (< 50%). The lack of physical resources and their subsequent low utilization had a consequent negative impact on the performance of students in KSCE, in Marani Sub-county. The study concluded that there is a low availability and utilization of physical resources in Marani Sub-county which has a negative implication on the KCSE performance of students. Therefore, the study recommends that the stakeholders could be mobilized for funding, and that there should be an integration of ICT in teaching and learning. Further, the findings of the study may be used by the government to inform on the budgetary allocation for the education infrastructure support program. The study could be used for policy formulation by the ministry of education.en_US
dc.publisherAfrica Nazarene Universityen_US
dc.subjectPhysical resourcesen_US
dc.subjectKenya Certificate of Secondary Educationen_US
dc.subjectSecondary schoolsen_US
dc.titleEffect of utilization of physical resources on performance of students in the Kenya certificate of secondary education in public secondary Schools in Marani sub-county, Kenyaen_US

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