Browsing Thesis by Title
Now showing items 441-460 of 461
Social Economic Effects of Illegal electricity Connections on Residents of Mukuru-Nairobi County
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017)This study explored the effects of illegal electricity connections on the residents of Mukuru informal settlement in Nairobi County. There are increased cases of security hazards in the informal settlements worldwide which ... -
Socio-Economic determinants of youth driven criminal activities in Kenya: A case of Lamu West -Sub County
(Africa Nazarene University, 2021-06)The relationship between crime and socioeconomic indicators varies by region and by country. In Kenya, socioeconomic indicators of youth crime are meagerly studied; however, some studies focus solely on economic indicators ... -
socio_economic factors contributing to the adoption of pelis by farmers in degraded forest areas of Marania in Mout- Kenya forest, Meru county, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-08)A high growing population has put a lot of pressure on the areas around Mount Kenya forests, where the area has been encroached for agricultural use and timber resources. This has caused deforestation and degradation of ... -
Socioeconomic factors and their effects on the adoption of environmental conservation practices within the Kimao Dam catchment area in Baringo County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-05)Sedimentation of Lake Baringo and other water bodies in Baringo County has been occurring at an alarming rate. The increased sedimentation of the water bodies can be attributed to steep topography and reduced vegetation ... -
Stakeholder’s participation and access to reproductive health services among young women in makueni county; a case of Kibwezi sub county
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-05)Enhancing access to quality health care services to vulnerable and marginalized populations such as young women is increasingly gaining momentum globally. This study aimed at examining the effect of stakeholder participation ... -
Strategic factors affecting implementation of integrated financial management information system by county governments in Kenya: a case of Samburu County government
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-05)This study sought to evaluate the strategic factors affecting implementation of integrated financial management information system by county governments in Kenya with focus of Samburu County Government. The study was guided ... -
Strategic factors Influence on effective Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems in Kenya: A case of Turkana County
(Africa Nazarene University, 2021-06)This study examined strategic factors influence on effective M&E. Objectives of the study were to determine the extent technical capacity, work experience and technology influence effective M&E. It was based on the following ... -
Strategic innovation and marketability of housing units by real estate firms in Nairobi county; a case of Sortmasters Limited
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-06)Real estate business is an undertaking that has over the years been perceived by many as a capital intensive initiative. The main objectives of the study is to determine strategic innovations and marketability of real ... -
Strategic planning for effective church ministry: a study of local churches of the Nazarene in Zimbabwe
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-06)Churches from both the developed and the developing worlds are increasingly embracing the practice of strategic planning hoping to derive superior ministry effectiveness. This study was prompted by the fact that local ... -
Strategies for Mitigating Human Wildlife Conflict in Nairobi National Park: A case of Communities in Kajiado County Living along the Park, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017)Human wildlife conflict is the interaction between human beings and wildlife and the result in most cases is destructive. It could either be the resources available to human beings are affected or wildlife habitat is ... -
Strategies of customer retention among commercial banks in Kenya : A case of bank of Africa, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-11)A customer is one of the significant assets for any profit-making firm, hence most profit making firms strive to acquire and retain as many customers as possible so as not to experience nose-diving of profits. While few ... -
Students’ perception of counselling services as their wellness intervention in public TVET institutions in Nyeri County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2023-07)Guidance and counseling services could be a panacea to some of the some of the issues and challenges limiting the wellbeing of students in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges. This research ... -
A Survey on Effectives of Selected Management Skills on Performance of Small-Scale Enterprises: Case of Kawangware Location
(Africa Nazarene University, 2011)This study was about the effects of selected management skills on the performance of small scale enterprise in Kawangware location, Nairobi, Kenya. Despite the enormous contribution of small scale enterprises in Kenya and ... -
Teachers’ perception of the effect of implementation of inclusive education on KCPE performance in public primary schools in Bungoma North Sub County, Bungoma County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2021-06)The drop in performance in KCPE in public primary schools in Bungoma North Sub County since the introduction of inclusive education has been a major issue. The purpose of the study was to investigate the Teachers’ ... -
Teachers’ Perception of the Effect of School Ranking in Trans Nzoia West Sub-County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017)According to World Bank, the pressure of examinations and ranking of schools according to performance are blamed for lack of depth in learning and the teaching process worldwide. Focusing on examination results ignores ... -
Technical monitoring management systems and performance of child protection projects; a case of non-governmental organizations in Borno State, Nigeria.
(Africa Nazarene University, 2023-06)Project performance and efficiency of Non-Governmental Organisations around the globe and in particular from the developing economies - Nigeria included - are of critical importance not only for Non-Governmental Organisations ... -
Technological factors influencing the quality and quantity of charcoal produced in western Mau forest , Kericho county , Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-08)Charcoal is a key bio-energy resource in Kenya, providing domestic energy for 82% of urban and 34% of rural households. The charcoal industry also creates jobs for wood producers, charcoal producers, transporters and ... -
Total quality management on performance of electronic claims systems in medical insurance firms in Kenya: a case of National Health Insurance Fund, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2023-06)The long-term success of organizations in a rapidly changing global economy is dependent on organizational systems that are pegged at improving quality services which in turn translate to customer satisfaction, continuous ... -
Unintended Consequences of Incarceration on Prisoners’Families in Kenya: Case of Busia County
(2017)Prison punishment is the most comprehensive social control, regulation, and crime prevention mechanism. The purpose of this study was to examine the unintended socio economic impacts of incarceration on prisoners’ ... -
Women empowerment and its contribution to sustainable land use management practices among farmers in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-06)Land degradation and decreased agricultural production is a big problem among rural farming communities, this is despite the fact that women in these areas have been empowered to increase production and manage the land ...