Browsing Thesis by Title
Now showing items 235-254 of 461
Gender mainstreaming in the Kenya national police service and promotion of national security in Starehe Sub-County, Nairobi City County
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-06)Failure to undertake gender mainstreaming within the police service can lead to ineffective policies for ensuring national security is enhanced in Kenya. Without gender mainstreaming in Kenya, promotion or enhancement of ... -
Holiness and Economic Justice: What are God's Intentions for Kenyans today?
(Africa Nazarene University, 2004)The thesis proposes God’s intentions for the Kenyan society, especially the Evangelical Christians, to the transformation of the poor economic state of Kenya and the gains that may be derived from it. This is presented in ... -
“I Baptize you with water… he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” An exegenesis of Luke 3: 15-18 within the African church context with particular emphasis on initiation rites
(Africa Nazarene University, 2014)The twenty-first century Body of Christ in sub-Saharan Africa is confronted with challenges that are unique to this era. Nominal Christianity, false miracle workers modern day Pharisees, false teaching and inappropriate ... -
Impact of Accelerating Access to Clean Energy for Rural Women in Kieni West Sub-County, Nyeri County
(2017)Energy security is one of the most important future challenges for the international agenda of security, peace, and stability worldwide. In rural parts of Kieni West, women are disproportionally affected by this massive ... -
The impact of bi-vocational ministry on church health: a comparative study of the Church of the Nazarene, Kenya Central District and the Anglican Church of Kenya, Nairobi Diocese
(Africa Nazarene University, 2023-07)Church health is widely confused with church growth. Whereas church growth is the numerical increase of attendance in churches with elements of spiritual growth, church health is the wholeness, that relates to interpersonal ... -
Impact of domestic violence on women empowerment in Marsabit County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-09)Domestic violence is an issue that cuts across every cultural and socio-economic status within the globe. It harshly damages women's ability to be sustainably developed and empowered. They are emotionally withdrawn, ... -
The impact of economic crimes on effective revenue collection among county governments in Kenya: a case of Nairobi City County
(Africa Nazarene University, 2023-06)Devolution has enabled the formation of forty-seven county governments apart from the national government. This means that the counties are able to conduct their businesses thus money circulation. This said, the probability ... -
The impact of economic crimes on effective revenue collection among county governments in Kenya: a case of Nairobi City County
(Africa Nazarene University, 2023-06)Devolution has enabled the formation of forty-seven county governments apart from the national government. This means that the counties are able to conduct their businesses thus money circulation. This said, the probability ... -
The Impact of Ethic Violence Among Christian Youth in Kainuk, Turkana County Kenya
(ANU, 2013)The study was undertaken in Kainuk, Kenya and was aimed at evaluating the impact of ethnic violence among Christian youth. The objectives of this study were to identify some of the causes of ethnic violence, to evaluate ... -
The impact of organizational culture on occupational crime in pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in Nairobi County
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-06)The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners reports 2016 indicated that over 633.40 billion Kenya shillings are lost yearly due to occupational crimes. Similarly, the Global Business Ethics study indicated that senior and ... -
Impact of strategic change on the performance of state owned corporations in Kenya: A case study of Kenya Railways
(Africa Nazarene University, 2013)Public sector performance is extremely vital for growth of the economy in addition to the general interests of its people. Although it is not easy to measure this performance directly, it is feasible to find causes of good ... -
Impact of the Mary's meals program on primary public-school education in Blantyre, Malawi
(Africa Nazarene University, 2023-07)The study sought to determine the impact of school feeding program on primary school education in public schools in Blantyre, Malawi. As a result, the researcher basically looked at the following specific objectives: to ... -
Impacts of Anthropogenic activities on the ecological integrity of Nairobi City Park, kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-08)The effects of human disturbance on the ecosystem processes influence the management of recreational areas and the benefits that can be obtained. Public urban parks provide environmental, economic and social benefits to ... -
Implementing a Biometric unique Identifier System for HIV Early Infant Diagnosis follow up
(Africa Nazarene University, 2016)Loss to follow-up of HIV Exposed Infants (HEIs) after delivery contributes to suboptimal access and uptake of HIV Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) interventions. This could result in unidentified HEIs and potentially ... -
Implications of border security management dynamics on national security at Moyale one stop border post -Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-04)Border security management practices adopted by states vary, depending on the ever evolving international system characterized by increased legal and illegal movement of people and goods. The illegal movement of both people ... -
Implications of Illiteracy on Peace Building: A Case of Loruk Sub County in Baringo County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017)This research sought to assess the implications of illiteracy on peace building in Loruk, Baringo County. The main objective was to determine if literacy skills are important in ensuring sustainability of peace building ... -
The influence focused strategy on service delivery: A case study of Postal Corporation of Kenya
(ANU, 2016)Kenya has experienced one of the tremendous growths in the mailing industry in the last ten years in its history with the number of registered players in the same market industry hitting the one hundred and fifty mark by ... -
Influence of agroforestry and demographic characteristics on the subjective wellbeing of households practicing agroforestry in Gasabo District, Rwanda
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-05)Agroforestry coverage is low within households because farmers are less motivated to plant more agroforestry trees on their farms. This study aimed at assessing the influence of agroforestry and demographic characteristics ... -
Influence of alternate banking channels on customer satisfaction at Kenya Commercial Bank in Nairobi, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-01)The adoption of alternate banking channels (ABC) in the banking sector has had increasing impact on customer satisfaction through improved convenience, efficiency, flexibility, and speed of completing bank transactions. ... -
Influence of ambidexterity approaches on project success within the aviation industry in Kenya. A Case study of Wajir international Airport Rehabilatation projects
(2021-06)Aviation sector in 21st century is faced with the need to exploit internal resources and explore new strategies to modernize and meet the dynamic changes in the global aviation industry. This study was on the influence of ...