Environment and Natural Resource Management
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Evaluation of factors influencing residents’ environmental satisfaction of four housing development estates In Maralal town, Samburu County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-05)The concept of environmental satisfaction by estate residents can be used to gauge the condition of the environment and policies on the provision of environmental services. The environmental conditions within four ... -
Factors influencing the level of use of alternative sources of energy among the Maasai pastoral community in Kajiado West, Kajiado County Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-03)Conventional sources of energy are normally expensive and have a negative impact on the environment, requiring the use of alternative energy sources that have minimum impact on the environment, which the Maasai pastoral ... -
Anthropogenic influences on the ecological integrity of the wildlife habitat along Kiserian-Kitengela-Isinya wildlife migratory corridor in Kajiado County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-06)Human encroachment into protected areas normally has negative impacts to the natural resources and also the wildlife habitats in the area. The Kiserian-Kitengela-Isinya wildlife corridor was formed to allow for free ... -
Influence of agroforestry and demographic characteristics on the subjective wellbeing of households practicing agroforestry in Gasabo District, Rwanda
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-05)Agroforestry coverage is low within households because farmers are less motivated to plant more agroforestry trees on their farms. This study aimed at assessing the influence of agroforestry and demographic characteristics ... -
Influence of community participation and performance of solid waste management in Kibra Sub-County, Nairobi County
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-04)The purpose of this study was to examine influence of community participation and performance of solid waste management in Kibra Sub- County, Nairobi County. The study was guided by the following research objectives; ... -
Influence of drought coping strategies on the social ecological well-being of pastoral communities in Kakuma and Oropoi locations in Turkana County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-06)The nomadic pastoralists in Turkana have developed coping mechanisms to protect themselves from the long-term effects of droughts that decimate livestock which forms their primary source of livelihood. Turkana is ... -
Factors affecting the adoption and use of liquefied petroleum gas in Gatanga Sub County, Murang’a County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2021-05)Household air pollution (HAP) emanating from the burning of dirty fuels is the fifth leading risk factor for premature death and disability in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Additionally, the use of solid ... -
Socioeconomic factors and their effects on the adoption of environmental conservation practices within the Kimao Dam catchment area in Baringo County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-05)Sedimentation of Lake Baringo and other water bodies in Baringo County has been occurring at an alarming rate. The increased sedimentation of the water bodies can be attributed to steep topography and reduced vegetation ... -
Environmental impacts of stone quarrying and their influence on the wellbeing of households in Khalaleo, Mandera County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-06)Stone quarrying along the Daua River in Khalaleo is a big economic activity for the households in the area, the activity has created environmental impacts, which affect the subjective wellbeing of the households. This study ... -
Women empowerment and its contribution to sustainable land use management practices among farmers in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-06)Land degradation and decreased agricultural production is a big problem among rural farming communities, this is despite the fact that women in these areas have been empowered to increase production and manage the land ... -
Effects of oil production activities on the socioeconomic wellbeing of communities living in greater unity, South Sudan
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-09)Oil is a major resource for South Sudan and it provides 98 % of the government’s revenue. At independence in 2011, the revenue from the oil was meant to provide for developments and improve on the lives of the local ... -
Factors influencing the destiny of trees in school tree enclosures within Kajiado county, Kenya
(2020-08)Achieving minimum international recommendations regarding tree cover is a challenge in Kenya, particularly in Kajiado County. As the region faces severe land and forest degradation, planting and managing trees inside school ... -
Effects of the changing land use practices on the well being of Peri-urban inhabitants of Kamulu area, Nairobi, Kenya
(2020-08)Urban sprawl is a phenomena experienced around most big cities. Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya, has caused this effect to the surrounding towns as most people want to settle around the town area for various reasons. ... -
Factors influencing management of hazardous solid waste in Obunga and Migosi residential areas i Kisumu county , Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-08)Hazardous-solid waste management, (HSWM) is the collection, treatment, and disposal of waste material that, when improperly handled, can cause substantial harm to human health and safety or to the environment. The main ... -
Influnce of governmental policies and household characteristics on the adoption of agroforestry practices in Kiirua, Kibirichia and Ruiri wards Meru county ,Kenya
(2020-08)The land in Kiirua, Kibirichia and Ruiri wards of Buuri sub-county in Meru County is fertile and with a high rainfall, this has encouraged a concentration of population and farming leading to deforestation and soil erosion. ... -
Contribution of livelihood options to socio-economic wellbeing of households in Mandera East sub -county ,Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-08)Pastoralism has been the main livelihood option in Mandera County for many decades, but currently it has faced many challenges due to shortage of pasture arising from land degradation and frequent droughts brought about ... -
Influence of household livelihood strategies on the socioeconomic wellbeing of communities living along the coastal strip of Msambweni sub _county
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-08)Kwale County received enormous support from donors and the government for implementation of development projects. The areas targeted were the improvement of people’s livelihoods, these included; small-scale fisheries, agro- ... -
Factors influencing farmers' adoption of irrigation water management practices and technologies along the Ng'areng'iro river in Laikipia county, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-08)This research assessed the influence of factors influencing farmers’ adoption of irrigation water management practices and technologies (IWMPT) along the Ng’areng’iro river in Lamuria sub-location, Laikipia County. The ... -
Contribution of peace initiative policy to the wellbeing of households affected by natural resource based conflicts in Laikipia North sub -county, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-08)he recent upsurge of Natural Resource Based Conflicts in Laikipia County in Northern Kenya have been linked to lack of equitable access and sharing of key resources of pasture and water found within the several large private ... -
socio_economic factors contributing to the adoption of pelis by farmers in degraded forest areas of Marania in Mout- Kenya forest, Meru county, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-08)A high growing population has put a lot of pressure on the areas around Mount Kenya forests, where the area has been encroached for agricultural use and timber resources. This has caused deforestation and degradation of ...