Object-Oriented Programming - Java 1
Computer programming is one of the knowledge areas in Computer Science and Information Technology degree programs. There are four main computer programming paradigms, namely, imperative/procedural, functional, object oriented and logic. This course focuses on the Object-Oriented Programming paradigm. The main Object-Oriented Programming constructs that will be covered include classes and objects, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. The Java programming language will be used to practically demonstrate the Object-Oriented Programming constructs. The course will also explore exception handling and file input output concepts as applied in the Java programming language. As a prerequisite, the learners should have been introduced to Computer Programming using an imperative/procedural programming language.
Handong Global University
The course aims at introducing learners to the main concepts of Object-Oriented Programming. At the end of the course, the learner should be able to describe the Object-Oriented Programming aspects in comparison to imperative programming aspects already covered; to use the Java programming language to practically demonstrate the Object-Oriented Programming aspects, and to understand the concept of exception handling and file input output as used in the Java programming language.