School of Religion and Christian Ministry
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Recent Submissions
An investigation of the concept of justification in Romans 5:18 and its implications for the Wesleyan doctrine of prevenient grace
(Africa Nazarene University, 2023-05)The universal terms related to condemnation and justification in Romans 5:18 reveal the double dimension of justification. In the same manner that sin is contemplated as both universal and individual, as is justification. ... -
Representative roles of the Priest, Levite, and Samaritan in Luke 10:30-35 in the context of Luke’s travel narrative
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-09)This project employs a socio-historical and exegetical methodology that examines the context and meaning of the passage in Luke 10:25-37, exploring the author’s intent in contrasting the roles of the priest and Levite ... -
The impact of bi-vocational ministry on church health: a comparative study of the Church of the Nazarene, Kenya Central District and the Anglican Church of Kenya, Nairobi Diocese
(Africa Nazarene University, 2023-07)Church health is widely confused with church growth. Whereas church growth is the numerical increase of attendance in churches with elements of spiritual growth, church health is the wholeness, that relates to interpersonal ... -
The influence of stakeholders’ on church growth in Kenya: A case of Presbyterian Church of East Africa in Milimani South Presbytery, Nairobi
(Africa Nazarene University, 2023-03)The church plays an important role in the life of the people who attend and the society around it. Its foundations develop morals that guide and guard individual followers and society. Therefore, the church must touch ... -
Influence of the church on peaceful civic elections in borabu Sub-County, Nyamira County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2021-09) -
Strategic planning for effective church ministry: a study of local churches of the Nazarene in Zimbabwe
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-06)Churches from both the developed and the developing worlds are increasingly embracing the practice of strategic planning hoping to derive superior ministry effectiveness. This study was prompted by the fact that local ... -
Effects of barriers of women ministry on the growth of the church: a case study of the church of The Nazarene in Western Kenya District, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-08)Women in ministry face various setbacks. The churches of the Kenya Western District (KWD) of the Church of the Nazarene are not growing numerically. The study sought to clarify the extent the stagnation of the growth of ... -
The effectiveness of pastoral counselling in the management of HIV/AIDS in the church in Malawi: a case of the church of the Nazarene, Malawi Central District
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-08)This study was conducted within the Church of the Nazarene, Malawi Central District. The study sought to investigate the effectiveness of pastoral counselling in the management of HIV/AIDS in the church. The objectives of ... -
The rock par excellence:a Greek syntactical analysis of Matthew 16:18:"On this rock I will build my church
(Africa Nazarene University, 2006-02)In Matthew 16:18 the writer talked about the rock on which Jesus would build His Church. What that rock stands for has been a debate among the thinkers of the Church in history, leading to all sorts of implications. In ... -
Christian perspectives on the effects of environmental degradation on human settlement:a case of Juba,South Sudan
(Africa Nazarene University, 2015-09)The main thrust of this research methodology is to bridge the concept of Christian perspectives on the environmental challenges created by deforestation in South Sudan in Juba County. In this County the environment is in ... -
An evaluation of the present organizational structure of the Africa Inland Church: a case study of AIC Nairobi Central and Machakos Regions
(Africa Nazarene University, 2010-03)This thesis contains findings of the study that was carried out in the Africa Inland Church (AIC) Machakos and Nairobi Central Regions with the aim of evaluating the present organisational structure of the Africa Inland ... -
An analysis of the differing views of sanctification (crisis and process) in Swaziland Church of the Nazarene
(Africa Nazarene University, 2010-12)The main purpose of this study was to survey the teachings and understandings of the Christian doctrine of holiness among the Christians in Swaziland especially those churches planted through the missionary enterprise of ... -
Nazarene compassionate ministry: implementing the Wesleyan vision of social holiness in the Great Lakes Region of Africa
(Africa Nazarene University, 2006-01)The Great Lakes Region of Africa is facing natural and man-made disasters. People are often left upon God`s hands as the Governments are not caring for them and the church is busy preparing them to meet their Lord in heaven. ... -
Factors affecting youth participation in Church Programmes within the Presbyterian Church of East Africa, Kajiado Presbytery, Kajiado County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2015-07)Youth failing to participate in the Church programmes though they attend church in large numbers has been a major concern in the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) Kajiado Presbytery. As a result, most of church ... -
Doctrines of Dreams
(ANU, 2004)Dreams according to Morton T. Kelsey are “any content that comes in sleep and is remembered.” Many are tribes in Africa that take the content of their dreams very seriously. Thus, in this study, the cultural approach of ... -
An Evaluation of Churches’ and Church-Based organizations’ roles in enhancing food security in Turkana District
(Africa Nazarene University, 2009)This study was carried out in Turkana district where people have been dependent of food handouts for many years. The district leads in the number of churches and church-based organizations working on various programs to ... -
Holiness and Economic Justice: What are God's Intentions for Kenyans today?
(Africa Nazarene University, 2004)The thesis proposes God’s intentions for the Kenyan society, especially the Evangelical Christians, to the transformation of the poor economic state of Kenya and the gains that may be derived from it. This is presented in ... -
Role of Christian Religion in Retaining people in Abusive Marriages in Trans-Nzoia County, Rift Valley Region
(Africa Nazarene University, 2013)This study set out to investigate the role of religion in retaining people in abusive marriages in Trans-Nzoia County. In religion or out of religion marriages in this District are nominated by men where the husband is ... -
Investigating Issues Interfering with Spiritual Developement of Youth in Kenya: A Case Study of Kenya Central District of The Church of the Nazarene
(ANU, 2011)Spiritual development of youth is one of the important aspects of any individual both at church and society. An investigation on issues interfering with spiritual development of the youth in Kenya: a case study conducted ... -
Role played by Diguna homes for orphans and the integration of these orphans into the community in Nandi County, Kenya
(ANU, 2014)The study was undertaken in Nandi County and it was to establish the role played by Diguna homes for orphans and the integration of these orphans into the community. The objectives of this study were to assess AIC Diguna ...