Now showing items 1-10 of 133
Effects of credit assessment determinants on credit uptake in the Agriculture financing sector in Kenya: A case of South Imenti Sub-County, Kenya.
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-08)
Food Security is a vital cog in every fiscal and monetary growth of all countries worldwide. It is a state when all people have economic, social and physical access to nutritious, safe and sufficient food that meets food ...
Influence of capacity building on employee job satisfaction in private universities in Kenya: A case of United States International University
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-06)
Capacity building focuses on enhancing different organizational abilities, it has also been accepted to be an important tool for implementing strategic programs. Organizations use capacity building strategies such as; ...
Relationship marketing and sustainable competitive advantage of ambulance service providers in Kenya: A case of AMREF flying doctors.
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-05)
The ambulance services industry in the country is very competitive, and most of the companies in the industry are facing service delivery challenges. This study analyzed the association between relationship marketing and ...
The influence of synergy on performance of public private partnership in Kenya: A case study of the afya elimu fund
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-09)
Public private partnerships (PPP) are pursued to leverage knowledge, resources, and capabilities to achieve public goals. Despite its strategic role in enhancing optimal benefits of PPPs, synergy is a developing concept ...
Effects of change management on adoption of ICT systems on parastatals in Kenya: A case of the national hospital Insurance fund (NHIF)
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-08)
Organizations exist and operate in dynamic environments. To survive and remain competitive in the evolving and highly competitive environment, organizations need effective change management strategies to develop the capacity ...
Effects of financial management practices on performance of top 100 small and medium
The role and importance of small and medium enterprises in an economy has long attracted interest of many nations. In Kenya, Small medium enterprises (SMEs) form a vital part of the economy. Their contribution to the economy ...
Effects of internal audit practice on performance of public commissions in Kenya. A case of parliamentary service commission of Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-10)
Public Commissions in Kenya are importance arms of the executive in the management of constitutional affairs. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of internal audit on performance of public commissions in ...
The effect of public participation on the budgeting process in Kenya: A case of Mombasa county government
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-08)
Participation is a process through which stakeholders’ input and share control over development initiatives, decisions and resources which affect them. The concept of public participation in the budgeting process has been ...
Influence of product strategy on performance of savings and credit cooperative societies in Kenya: A case of Azima sacco
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-09)
Increased non-performing loans and the availability of substandard products among SACCOs in Kenya has been a major challenge facing these cooperatives. The current study aimed at determining the influence of product pricing, ...
Influence of Mckinsey’s framework on organization excellence of development banks in Kenya: A case study of PTA
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-07)
In achieving organizational excellence employers and employees need to work together in order to achieve the bank’s overall strategic goals. This research sought to determine the influence of Mckinsey’s 7s model on ...