Browsing School of Humanities and Social Sciences by Title
Now showing items 94-113 of 179
Impact of Accelerating Access to Clean Energy for Rural Women in Kieni West Sub-County, Nyeri County
(2017)Energy security is one of the most important future challenges for the international agenda of security, peace, and stability worldwide. In rural parts of Kieni West, women are disproportionally affected by this massive ... -
Impact of domestic violence on women empowerment in Marsabit County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-09)Domestic violence is an issue that cuts across every cultural and socio-economic status within the globe. It harshly damages women's ability to be sustainably developed and empowered. They are emotionally withdrawn, ... -
The impact of organizational culture on occupational crime in pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in Nairobi County
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-06)The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners reports 2016 indicated that over 633.40 billion Kenya shillings are lost yearly due to occupational crimes. Similarly, the Global Business Ethics study indicated that senior and ... -
Implications of border security management dynamics on national security at Moyale one stop border post -Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-04)Border security management practices adopted by states vary, depending on the ever evolving international system characterized by increased legal and illegal movement of people and goods. The illegal movement of both people ... -
Implications of Illiteracy on Peace Building: A Case of Loruk Sub County in Baringo County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017)This research sought to assess the implications of illiteracy on peace building in Loruk, Baringo County. The main objective was to determine if literacy skills are important in ensuring sustainability of peace building ... -
Influence of ASEI-PDSI pedagogy on pupils’ performance in KCPE mathematics in public primary schools in Kajiado sub county, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-07)Learner-centred pedagogy is the hallmark of the ASEI-PDSI approach. The SMASSE/SMASE ASEI-PDSI pedagogy is an innovative approach that aims at shifting classroom practices from content based to activity-focused teaching ... -
Influence of classroom environment on children’s academic performance in public ecde schools in Keiyo North Subcounty, Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-09)Realization of the objectives of basic education in Kenya, according to Kenyan Education Sector Support Programme, reveals the need to reconsider several aspects of the National Education implementation process. Many ... -
Influence of communicating through social media by parents on the behavior of their children: case study of Tala Town, Matungulu Sub-County, Machakos County
(Africa Nazarene University, 2023-07)The rising numbers of those who communicate through social media worldwide is of great concern since this may be affecting their other life concerns like minding of their children’s behavior and this prompts the researcher ... -
Influence of communication methods on the academic performance of learners with hearing impairement in inclusive setting in Migori county, kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-07)This study sought to establish the influence of communication in teaching children with hearing impairment in Migori County. The objectives of the study were: to examine the influence of verbal communication on academic ... -
Influence of educational support on academic performance of orphans and vulnerable children in public primary schools in Kalama sub county ,Machakos, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-04)Education is critical to the future of all children, but especially to those who are orphaned or vulnerable. Education gives children hope for life and work, and is a strong protector against HIV to which these children ... -
Influence of Examination Based Teaching on the History Subject Discourse in Secondary Schools in Abogeta Division, Meru County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017)Over emphasis on passing in the examinations can create pedagogies that incline to the test and could have adverse effects on the intended curriculum and the output as well. This comes about when teachers shift goals from ... -
Influence of external oversight by the independent policing oversight authority on police accountability in the performance of their duties within Mathare Subcounty, Nairobi County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-05)Independent oversight of the police through IPOA seeks to enhance police accountability in the performance of their functions. Despite the presence of IPOA, police continue to perform their duties without due regard to ... -
Influence of family socio-economic factors on drug abuse among girls in Laini Saba Village In Kibra Sub-County, Nairobi, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2021-08)The drug and substance abuse menace pose a serious threat to the social and economic development of a country. The threat is even more serious in developing countries where risk factors of drug abuse such as unemployment ... -
Influence of family socio-economic factors on drug abuse among girls in Laini Saba Village in Kibra Sub-County, Nairobi, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-08)The drug and substance abuse menace pose a serious threat to the social and economic development of a country. The threat is even more serious in developing countries where risk factors of drug abuse such as unemployment ... -
Influence of forest governance practices on forest protection in Kenya: the case of Ngong Hills Forest
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-06)Forest Governance is critical in ensuring that forest resources are sustainably managed. It is also important in ensuring that decisions are taken and implemented for the realization of environmental, ecological, cultural, ... -
Influence of guidance and counselling of students’ on academic performance in secondary schools in Lamu West Sub County, Lamu County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-09)In addressing guidance and counseling, development partners and states have put in place regulatory frameworks and justice institutions. In this regard, the legislative framework in Kenya is commendable. What has not ... -
Influence of illegal small arms and light weapons proliferation on internal security in Kayole sub county, Nairobi city county
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020)Africa has suffered insecurity for an extensive period mainly because of the proliferation of SALW. Internal factors along with external environment have contributed to these firearms allied problems experienced by many ... -
Influence of Informal Peace Agreements on Ethnic Conflict Resolution: A Case Study of Al-Fata Declaration, Wajir East Sub-County, Wajir County
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017)Since time immemorial, countries all over the world have been using peace agreements as a standard approach to mitigate conflict. These agreements are used as a means to achieve peace and address the incompatibilities ... -
Influence of intelligence sharing on crime prevention in Mogadishu city, Somalia
(Africa Nazarene University, 2021-06)Intelligence sharing among security actors is central to success in crime prevention. In order to plan for and deter potential terrorist attacks and general crime around the world, there is a need for improved information-sharing ... -
Influence of ISO 9001:2008 Certification on Service Delivery Among Private Security Firms in Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017)The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard, ISO 9001, is a quality management system for firms seeking to provide quality services and products, while meeting the customer and other stakeholder’s ...