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Now showing items 391-410 of 510
Infuence of school based factors on participation of learners with special needs at public primary schools in Kee division , Makueni county,kenya
(2019-08)According to Kenya National Special Needs Education Policy Framework, inclusive education is expected to enable learners with special needs attain higher achievement of individualized educational plan goals. This is due ... -
Institutional factors influencing holistic development of autistic learners: A case of two public primary schools in Uasin Gishu county, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-09)Children have varying challenges in public primary schools. Majority of autistic children attend public schools and it is important to ensure they receive adequate services. Several institutional factors have been established ... -
Institutional factors influncing holistic development of autistic learners : A case of two public primary schools in Uasin Gishu county , kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2019-08)Children have varying challenges in public primary schools. Majority of autistic children attend public schools and it is important to ensure they receive adequate services. Several institutional factors have been established ... -
Integration of ICT based System in the Delivery Process of Newborn babies to identity and secure the from Swapping at the Kenyan Public Maternity Hospitals
(Africa Nazarene University, 2016)Newborn baby swapping is getting very common these days in many hospitals and hospital managements are finding it difficult to stop it since the methods of tagging the baby are adopted and easily circumvented. The purpose ... -
Introduction to Christian Ethics
(Africa Nazarene University, 2014)The overall aim of UCC 204, Introduction to Christian Ethics is to introduce you to the basic concepts in ethics, including the theological and philosophical foundations of ethics. In this course, you will learn about the ... -
Introduction to Database Technologies
(Handong Global University, 2022)The course is a first-year course that aims to introduce database concepts to first year students. The course provides an understanding of various database terminologies, types of database and various applications of ... -
Investigating factors that hinder adoption of M-Learning (SAAS Model) in higher learning institutions: a case of Africa Nazarene University, Nairobi
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017-09)Due to the technological progress and diminution cost of mobile services and devices, currently there is a remarkable change in learning context that demand mobility. The deployment and implementation of mobile learning ... -
Investigating Issues Interfering with Spiritual Developement of Youth in Kenya: A Case Study of Kenya Central District of The Church of the Nazarene
(ANU, 2011)Spiritual development of youth is one of the important aspects of any individual both at church and society. An investigation on issues interfering with spiritual development of the youth in Kenya: a case study conducted ... -
Investigating the Influence of Security Measures on the Safety of Seaports: Case of Mombasa Seaport, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017)The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of security measures on the safety of seaport in context of Mombasa sea port. The specific objectives of the study included: To find out the influence of clearing ... -
An Investigation into the Effects of Motivation on Staff Turnover: A Case of Teachers in Private Schools in Busia Municipality, Kenya
(ANU, 2013)The purpose of this project was to investigate the effects of motivation on staff turnover a case of teachers of private schools in Busia municipality. The statement of the problem, since motivation leads to attainment of ... -
An investigation of the concept of justification in Romans 5:18 and its implications for the Wesleyan doctrine of prevenient grace
(Africa Nazarene University, 2023-05)The universal terms related to condemnation and justification in Romans 5:18 reveal the double dimension of justification. In the same manner that sin is contemplated as both universal and individual, as is justification. ... -
An investigation on the effect of public procurement process in achieving value for money: a case study of Marsabit County
(Africa Nazarene University, 2014-09)Public procurement has been utilized over time as an important tool for achieving economic, social and other developmental objectives. Despite enactment of law and regulation to guide public procurement, securing efficiency ... -
An Investigation on the Role of Nyumba kumi Initiative in Crime Prevention in Naivasha Town, Nakuru County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017)Nyumba Kumi Initiative (NKI) is a strategy of anchoring community policing at the household level to reduce crime. Crime levels have soured in the country recently forcing policymakers and security practitioners to look ... -
John Wesley’s Biblical Exegesis as Related to the Doctrine of Christian Perfection
(Mount Vernon Nazarene University, 2003)A paper presented to the Faculty of the School of Theology and Philosophy, Mount Vernon Nazarene University. -
Kenya’s foreign policy implementation and its implication on the fight against terrorism: 1998 -2018
(Africa Nazarene University, 2022-06)Foreign policy remains the greatest mechanism that a country can use to pursue its national interests internationally. Kenya’s foreign policy is based on diplomatic co-existence, protection of state security, and ... -
Knowledge and Practices on Utilization of Social Media for Security Management in Kitui West sub County, Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2017)The purpose of this study was to establish the levels of knowledge and practices on the utilization of social media for security management in Kitui West Sub County, Kenya. The following were the research objectives in ... -
Knowledge Management Practices in Organization in Nairobi-Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2008)This to study on the knowledge management practices in organizations in Nairobi discusses issues of knowledge management practices within profit and non-profit organization base in Nairobi. Knowledge is dynamic ... -
Legal Aid for Effective Victim Legal Representation in Kenya’s Post-Election Violence: Lessons from the International Criminal Court
(Life Science Global: International Journal of Criminology, and Sociology, 2022-12-31)The International Criminal Court’s legal aid scheme pays court-appointed victims’ lawyers. Yet, whether ICC or domestic legal proceedings can provide better victim satisfaction goes beyond the question of whether external ... -
Localization of small and light industries as a strategy for economic empowerment in Kibwezi sub county , Makueni county ,Kenya
(Africa Nazarene University, 2020-07)There is general appreciation of the fact that African countries still face challenges when it comes to enacting policies to develop either economically, socially and politically. This is more so in less performing economies ... -
Logistical factors influencing accessibility of medicines among public health care facilities in Busia County
(Africa Nazarene University, 2018-09)In May 2016, World Health Assembly acknowledged the increasing number of shortages and stock-outs of medicines and vaccines. According to the Busia County’s health and sanitation committee report, residents of the county ...